Montag, 2. November 2009


United Nations Industrial Development Organization

This Organization is headquartered in Vienna, Austria. The Organization's primary objective is the promotion and acceleration of industrial development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and the promotion of international industrial cooperation.

In order to fulfill these objectives, UNIDO
• assists developing countries in the formulation of development, institutional, scientific and technological policies and programmes in the field of industrial development;
• analyzes trends, disseminates information and coordinates activities in their industrial development;
• acts as a forum for consultations and negotiations directed towards the industrialization of developing countries; and
• provides technical cooperation to developing countries for implementing their development plans for sustainable industrialization in their public, cooperative and private sectors.
UNIDO was established as a UN program with headquarters in Vienna, Austria, and became a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1985.

The UNIDO has 172 member states.
UNIDO's headquarters are located at the Vienna International Centre, the UN campus that also hosts the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization.

UNIDO's services therefore focus on encouraging the creation of decent employment and income in order to overcome poverty.

UNIDO is a leading provider of services for improved industrial energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable sources of energy.

3 Kommentare:

Christoph Ostermann hat gesagt…

The headquater is situated in Vienna.

The UNIDO was founded in 1985.

UNIDO has been helped people which are in mysery.

OStR hat gesagt…

add a personal comment on the organisation

Christoph Ostermann hat gesagt…

I think it's very important that an Organisation provides technical cooperation and formulation of development developing countries.