Dienstag, 20. Januar 2009

Si vis pacem, evita bellum!

Wednesday last week we had informatics. The exercise was to make a html site with a link to another site. We could write on this sites what we want to and I had no idea. So I wrote on the first site some stuff about the subject and on the second just >Si vis pacem, evita bellum<. Mr Hertl said it is correctly registered >Si vis pacem, para bellum<. Cute Wikipedia gave him right, the more or less famous adage means >if you want to live in peace so equip of war<. My version means >if you want to live in peace so beware of war<. Better, or? But apparently the Romans had thought different. Comprehensible in these days but we are in the 21st century! I'm glad to live in this tiny peaceful country but I can imagine that if Middle Eastern countries would live after my version of the adage the worldwide war situation would be different. I can't say from where I've got the false word (evita) and also even where I have read the adage. But I think that my version is the more logic one - if you want something (good) then beware of the (bad) opposite...