Montag, 2. November 2009

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Today, I'm want to tell you something about the Food and Agriculture Organization; short FAO!
The FAO was founded on 16 October 1945. It leads international efforts to defeat hunger. 
FAO is also a source of knowledge and information. They help developing countries. 
The world headquarters are located in Rome.

FAO's activities comprise four main areas:
- putting information within reach 
- sharing policy expertise
- providing a meeting place for nations
- bringing knowledge to the field 

Structure and finance

FAO is governed by the Conference of Member Nations, which meets every two years to review the work carried out by the Organization and approve a Programme of Work and Budget for the next two years.
The Conference elects a Council of 49 Member Nations to act as an interim governing body. Members serve three-year, rotating terms. The Conference also elects the Director-General to head the agency. The current Director-General, Dr Jacques Diouf, of Senegal, began a six-year term in January 1994, was re-elected to a second term which began in January 2000, and a third term beginning of January 2006

FAO’s Regular Programme budget is funded by its members, through contributions set at the FAO Conference. The FAO budget for the years 2008-2009 is US$929.8 million.

2 Kommentare:

david hat gesagt…

Hi, I think that the organisation FAO are pretty importend for the whole world.
They what that everybody in the world have samething to eat!
I think thats a hard project but when the work hard for it they are able to manage this!

yours David Akhras

OStR hat gesagt…

to want
everybody has something
but when they work hard ....
